Frequently Asked Questions



Exchange Rate


Tipping is not expected, though welcomed. Most restaurants and hotels include a service charge in the bill.

Payment Policy

The following credit card payments are accepted in our resorts:
Diners (only available at AYANA Resort hotel lobby cashier)

About BALI


The weather in Bali is generally hot and humid throughout the year. Temperature ranges from 24 - 32 degrees Celsius (75 - 89 degrees Fahrenheit). Bali has two distinct seasons. The rainy season occurs generally around November through April. Precipitation falls mainly during the late afternoon and early evening hours. The dry season generally occurs around May through October.


The most widely spoken languages in Bali are Bahasa Indonesia (the official national language of Indonesia) and Bahasa Bali, the local dialect. English is widely used around the island.

Time Zone

Bali is in one of the three time zones in Indonesia, which is 8 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). It shares the same time zone as Singapore and Hong Kong. It is 1 hour behind Japan.

Nyepi/Day of Silence

Nyepi/Day of Silence
To mark the Balinese Hindu New Year, the Balinese celebrate an annual ‘Day of Silence’ known as Nyepi. It is a wonderful time to visit the island, especially for guests who are interested in the unique traditions that underpin Balinese Hinduism. A spectacular procedure of ceremonies, parades of great bamboo monsters, and fireworks occur on the Eve of Nyepi, followed by a day of total silence and seclusion when the Balinese will pray and meditate to cleanse the island of evil spirits. For more information on Nyepi activities, please contact


The Balinese are one of over 300 ethnic groups in Indonesia. The majority of the population adheres to Agama Tirtha, which translates to the religion of the holy water. This unique Hinduism is formed as a combination of existing local beliefs and Hindu influences from mainland Southeast Asia and South Asia.
Temple Etiquette: Please wear a sarong or prayer shawl. During menstruation, women shall not enter the temple area.


Reservation Terms and Conditions

Upon check-in, guests are required to provide a credit card or cash deposit of RP 1,500,000 for each night of stay for incidentals. Please note that the deposit is in addition to full payment of room and tax. Please note that booking payment with Virtual Credit Card (VCC) is not accepted.

How to Make a Reservation

From the top of this website, please click the "Villas" or "Rooms" page, then click the "Reservation" button for your desired room to proceed to the reservation request form.

Regarding the Cancellation of Your Accommodation Reservation

To cancel or to make any changes to your reservation, please email us at
Please provide your information and send the message. [First Name/ Last Name/ E-mail/ Home Phone/ Mobile Phone/ Inquiry]


Transportation Service

Airport Transfers: We can arrange a minivan (2-3 persons) for Rp 484,000 per way per vehicle, or a Hiace (up to 8 persons) for Rp 770,000 per way per vehicle. Transfer fees are to be paid at the hotel. If you have made your room reservation through our official website, please apply via this form. For other reservations, please contact us at with the following information:
Required information: Lead Guest Name (in Roman alphabet), Date of Use, Flight Number, Arrival/Departure Time, Transfer Vehicle Size.

Check-in: 3:00 PM
Check-out: 12:00 PM (noon)

Check-in / Check-out

Check-in: 3:00 PM
Check-out: 12:00 PM (noon)


Guests staying at AYANA Resort, RIMBA, or Segara are provided with an international buffet breakfast at Padi Restaurant, Karang Restaurant, or To'Ge Restaurant. Guests staying in the villas are offered an à la carte menu at DAVA Restaurant.


Due to the high temperatures and humidity, casual clothing similar to what you would wear during a Japanese summer is recommended. However, since facilities like hotels, restaurants, and shopping centers often have strong air conditioning, it's convenient to have a light jacket or wrap that you can easily put on or take off. Swimwear should be worn only at the pool or beachside. If you plan to visit Balinese Hindu temples or other places of worship, it's advisable to wear modest clothing that respects the local religious customs. This includes shirts with sleeves (short sleeves are acceptable) and pants or skirts that are knee-length or longer.

Drone Usage Regulations:

At AYANA Bali, we have established regulations regarding the use of drones to ensure the safety and privacy of all our guests and employees. The use of any unmanned aerial systems, including unauthorized drones, remote-controlled aircrafts, and devices, is strictly prohibited within AYANA Bali property. This prohibition applies not only to flying or remotely piloting drones within the resort but also to flying drones beyond the boundaries of the property. Violation of this policy may result in the confiscation of the equipment. Additionally, violators will be held fully responsible for any injury, property damage, privacy infringement, fines, or legal costs that may arise from such actions.

Plugs and Voltage

The power outlets use a two-round-pin plug (C type). The voltage is 220 volts / 50 cycles. The hotel provides rental adapters and voltage converters for guests. Please note that the number of voltage converters available is limited, so it is advisable to bring your own if needed.

Emergency Contact Numbers:

Police: 110
Fire Department: 113
Ambulance: 118
Rescue: 115 or 751 111

Dining within the Resort

Please refrain from bringing outside food and beverages into the hotel. AYANA Bali offer 30 gourmet dining venues that serve a variety of international cuisines for your enjoyment.

Internet Access

Internet connection at AYANA is available for free in all areas, including guest rooms, villas, public areas, and meeting rooms. The Rock Bar also features a free hotspot for all guests to use


Country Code: 62
Area Code: 361
International Calls: Dial "001" before the country code.
Local Directory Assistance: 108

Meeting and Conference Rooms

The meeting rooms at AYANA Bali can be used for business purposes or as spaces for large wedding receptions. For more details on the meeting rooms, please refer to the relevant section on our website.

Tourist Information:

Bali Tourism Board:
Phone: +62-361-222-387
Fax: +62-361-226-313

Hotel Car Service

For transportation around the island, you can use the hotel's private car service. A minimum booking of 3 hours and reservation is required.
Minivan (Toyota Innova class) for up to 4 people: The first 3 hours cost Rp924,000, with an additional charge of Rp308,000 per hour for any extensions.
Luxury Minivan (Toyota Alphard class) for up to 5 people: The first 3 hours cost Rp1,848,000, with an additional charge of Rp616,000 per hour for any extensions.
Additionally, taxis can be arranged by the hotel upon request.

Business Hours

General Business Hours: 09:00–17:00
Banks: 08:00–14:30
Shopping Areas: 10:00–22:00

Security Policy

Our resort is committed to providing a safe environment for guests, employees, suppliers, and the local community. For details on the resort's security policy, please refer to the following link:
Security Policy Document

Environmental Protection Initiatives

To protect and sustain the natural environment and local communities, AYANA and RIMBA have partnered with EarthCheck, a global environmental certification body. We have received the EarthCheck Silver Certification for the third time. For more details, please refer to our Earth Check (pdf)


Spa Operating Hours

Spa Treatments: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM | Thalassotherapy Pool: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM | Spa on the Rocks: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Spa Usage for Children and Minors

AYANA Wellness & Spa is available for guests aged 12 and above. Guests aged 12 to 16 can enjoy spa treatments when accompanied by a guardian.

Booking Spa Treatments

Booking via Website: Choose your desired treatment from the spa page on our website and proceed to the booking request form by clicking the "Book" button. You can book multiple treatments in a single reservation.
Booking from within the Resort: Please dial extension 32 from your room or visit the spa reception to make a reservation.


Please inform us of any cancellations or changes to your reservation at least 24 hours in advance. Cancellations or changes made within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment will incur a 100% cancellation fee. For cancellations or changes, contact us via email at:


Please check in at the spa at least 15 minutes before your treatment time. If you arrive after your scheduled appointment time, the duration of your treatment will be shortened accordingly, regardless of the delay. Additionally, you may be required to fill out a consultation form depending on the treatment you choose. If you are under medical care or taking medication, please inform the receptionist in advance.

Pregnancy/Menstrual Period Spa Usage:

For safety reasons, treatments involving strong pressure or heat therapy are not recommended during pregnancy or menstruation. To ensure you receive the most appropriate treatment for your condition, please inform the spa receptionist or coordinator of your condition when making a reservation. Guests are also advised not to use the Thalassotherapy Pool during their menstrual period. In such cases, the Thalassotherapy Pool benefits may be rescheduled for another day.

Treatment Attire

We recommend removing necklaces, bracelets, watches, rings, earrings, and other accessories before visiting the spa and storing them in the safe in your room. If you bring valuables to the spa, please deposit them in the safety box at the spa reception. Please do not store valuables in the lockers. For body treatments, it is advisable not to wear clothing or underwear. Disposable shorts and a kimono are provided for your comfort. Treatments will be conducted while partially covering your body with sheets.

Smoking/Alcohol Consumption

Smoking and alcohol consumption are prohibited within the spa premises. It is recommended to avoid treatments if you have consumed alcohol within 8 hours prior to your appointment.

Use of Mobile Phones and Other Devices

The spa is a quiet and relaxing environment. Please respect the privacy and tranquility of other guests. The use of mobile phones and sound-emitting electronic devices is prohibited.


Wedding ‐

The Indonesian Government's requirements for arranging legally binding marriage vows are quite specific. Once these guidelines are met the legal formalities are relatively easy to manage. When a couple decides to get married in Bali our Bali-based agent files all of the necessary paperwork with Indonesian authorities. Originals of all legal and religious documentation must be brought to Indonesia and shown as proof before the ceremony takes place.

Will my marriage in Bali be legally recognized?

The Indonesian Government's requirements for arranging legally binding marriage vows are quite specific. Once these guidelines are met the legal formalities are relatively easy to manage. When a couple decides to get married in Bali our Bali-based agent files all of the necessary paperwork with Indonesian authorities. Originals of all legal and religious documentation must be brought to Indonesia and shown as proof before the ceremony takes place. Once these documents and certificates have been arranged and lodged your marriage is legally recognized.

Is there any special visa requirement?

Since February 2004, the Indonesian Government implemented a Visa on Arrival applicable to 21 countries and territories. It is advisable to contact your local embassy or Indonesian Consulate to inquire if your country is exempt from these regulations. In addition, all passports must have a minimum of 6 months validity on them.

What are the best months and best times to get married?

Bali has a wonderful year-round climate with tropical temperatures that are consistently around 30 degrees Celsius. Favorite times are mid-morning at 10:00 a.m., or 5:30 p.m. just before sunset to capture the spectacular glow cast over the Resort.

What do I do if it rains?

We always provide a backup venue for outdoor events. The backup venue will be at one of our indoor function rooms or outlet that is available on that day. The backup venue is to be determined by the resort, should the client wish to have a fixed allocated backup venue at a particular space, a blocking fee (non-refundable, non-transferable into other forms of utilization) will need to be paid for securing the space.

What type of celebrants conducts the marriage ceremony?

We have a range of celebrants offering religious and non-religious ceremonies, including options for Commitment Ceremonies, vows renewals, or affirmations. You may choose to have either a male or female celebrant or official to conduct your ceremony.

Are we able to write our own wedding vows?

Yes certainly. Our marriage celebrants encourage the input of the Bride & Groom to make their special day as intimate and personal as desired.

AYANA Bali is surrounded by 90 hectares of land. All wedding venues are private, secluded, and secure with hotel staff and signage dedicated to protecting the privacy of all wedding guests.

AYANA Bali is surrounded by 90 hectares of land. All wedding venues are private, secluded, and secure with hotel staff and signage dedicated to protecting the privacy of all wedding guests.

How much time before my wedding should I start preparations?

At least 4 months before your wedding date is ideal to secure your booking and commence preparations. Subject to availability, the Resort may also accommodate requests within a one-month time frame.

Do I need to have a wedding organizer or wedding planner? Will there be an additional charge if bring my own?

For weddings with more than 80 guests, we highly recommend hiring a wedding organizer. A wedding organizer is crucial for managing your itinerary, as well as coordinating accommodations and transportation for your guests, especially those traveling from outside Bali. Their assistance can significantly reduce your stress on the wedding day.
There is no entrance fee for the wedding organizer. However, please note that fees apply for outsourced decorations, entertainment, wedding cakes, and fireworks.

Do you offer Photography or Video Services?

Packages and resort location schedules are offered at competitive rates in digital or print and vary according to individual budgets and options.

Do you have any on-site bridal boutiques?

AYANA has an exclusive on-property bridal and wedding services boutique operated by a leading bridal company, “White Door Weddings Bali.” White Door Weddings Bali recently launched Bali’s first exclusive bridal boutique and services on the grounds of AYANA Resort and Spa, Bali. They offer a wide selection of wedding dresses direct from the latest designer collections and shows in Europe and Asia. Dresses, suits, and bridal accessories can be purchased or rented in a range of sizes from XXS to XXL.

Contact Information by Office

  • AYANA BALI (All Hotels)
    (+62) 361 702222
  • AYANA Hotels Jakarta Sales Office
    (+62) 21 5708787
  • AYANA Hotels Tokyo Sales Office
    (+62) 361 8468468